...or on top of Anchorage, at least. I have to confess, climbing 1,300 feet in a mile and a half was a bit taxing for this very-out-of-shape-and-recently-moved-from-Florida person. Was it worth it? Oh my yes. In the picture you can see the Anchorage bowl spread out behind me. Flattop Mountain is about 3,000 feet high, so it is by far not very tall - at least by Alaska mountain standards, but it is on the very edge of the Chugach Mountains, and it is pretty much a straight shot down the front of the mountain into the southern end of the city. I am sitting here at Burger King (did you know that Burger King at Dimond and Old Seward in Anchorage has free wireless internet? Now you do...) looking at it right now. It really is a striking mountain, considering that it has, well, a very flat top. That short dayhike has certainly wet my appetite for exploring the wonders that these mountains and valleys around Anchorage hold.
If you're in the area and are interested in going for a hike, let me know! I'll find the time in my schedule to make it happen.
God bless.
What a coincidence, Kathi just told me to take a hike.
cool! i'd huff up a mountain with you! maybe one day...
You're on, Gretchen!
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