And for the first time on a bike ride in a very long time, I hurt. The transverse abdominis muscles got very sore over the last mile, and my quads were getting punchy. It was a good ride, although I probably pushed too hard throughout (a problem I seem to have...but that's another post). I increased my average speed by 2 mph compared to doing the ride with Peter (14.8 mph up to 16.8 mph) and I shaved 3 1/2 minutes off the time. I think if I had paced myself better, I could have broken 17 mph.
I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging or that I think I'm all that. I know I'm not. Perhaps I can express a bit more confidence once I can hammer the entire hill in Clydesdale Park in a big gear...even without Peter I still ended up in my granny gear (smallest chainring, biggest cog) - although not until after the halfway point.

But that isn't the real nature of this bike. This bike is nimble, agile, incredibly fast and an absolute joy and delight to ride. A few years ago, I was offered more than the original retail price of the bike for the frame alone. I turned the offer down. I'll ride this bike until the frame rots away. I don't really think the frame is going to rot away...
I've never really expounded on my love of cycling...but I think this gives a bit of a hint.
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